Orange: Survey of Significant Landscape Features
Orange Council, 2006
An understanding of the way in which history and culture are recorded within the landscape can foster a strong and lasting conneciton of people with place.
ARSTCAPE, in association with Andrews Neil were engaged by Orange City Council to explore how the landscape of the Orange LGA has been shaped by the ongoing interaction of people and the land. Exploration of this relationship was through a survey of the significant landscape features within the Orange LGA.
This process included three-dimensional modelling of the topography, analysis of the changing land sue from pre-settlement to today, landscape character analysis, identification and analysis of significant views and vistas and the identification and analysis of significant places and precincts, objects and elements that characterise those places and precincts.
The website can be found here
Project Details
Orange City Council
Project Scope
Project Vision
Community Engagement
Landscape Character Analysis
Survey / Audit
Project Team
Andrews Neil
Andrews Neil