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urban design

Urban Design represents the planning of urban environments - this comprises the physical, social, economic and environmental qualities of a place - whether a village, town, city, suburb, business park or even a cemetery.


Any place - whether a city, a village, or a suburb - is like a machine. It is comprised of many different and interconnected parts that enable it to function correctly. Urban Design considers all of those parts both individually and together.


Aerial Photo of a City



If the city is a machine, then an urban designer is like an engineer. The role of the urban designer is to understand how the place should function, and to prepare a strategy that will achieve it.


The urban designer also brings together the skills of specialists. A good urban designer will bring in the right specialist at the right point in the process for the right amount of time to get optimum results. 


At ARTSCAPE our urban designers are registered architects and landscape architects skilled at masterplanning and place planning. 

ARTSCAPE'S urban design process incorporates a wide range of skills and tasks and could include:


  • Detailed background study 

  • Place Visions

  • Thematic Frameworks

  • Contextual and Site Analysis 

  • Urban Morphology Analysis

  • Master Plans

  • Project Staging

  • Community Engagement





Urban Design is an essential part of strategically planning and designing a Place. We use urban analysis as the basis of all our projects - from Place Plans through to Public Art Strategies. 


Community and Stakeholder Engagement forms an integral part of our urban analysis process and helps ARTSCAPE to obtain a deeper understanding of a Place. 


ARTSCAPE uses collaborative teams to bring diverse skills to each project. Teams are unique to each project to solve the puzzle that needs to be solved.




URBAN DESIGN experience

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